Steinernema asiaticum
Shahina, Reid & Rowe, 2002

    Steinernema asiaticum, isolated from soil samples collected from Pakistan and Sri Lanka by baiting with last instar Galleria mellonella, is distinguished from all other species of the genus Steinernema by having the smallest body length of infective stage. The body length of infective stage juveniles of S. asiaticum  is 425 (36-452 um); the lateral field has seven longitudinal ridges; a mucron is present in both generation females and in second generation males, whereas in first generation males a fine mucron is only visible with the SEM on the tail tip in a few males and is indistinct in other males; the size and shape of the spicule and gubernaculum, and the arrangements of genital papillae of the first and second generation males are distinct; and the shape of the vulva and tail of the first and second generation females are distinct. DNA examinations separate this species from similar species; RFLPs of the internal transcribed spacer. (ITS) region of the rDNA repeat unit of this new species are different from those of other Steinernema species.

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