Steinernema websteri
Cutler & Stock, 2003
Steinernema websteri  is a new entomopathogenic nematode isolated in Beijing, China. Morphological, molecular (28s DNA sequence and RFLP analyses), and cross breeding tests were used for diagnostic purposes. Additionally, 28S rDNA sequence data was used to assess phylogenetic relationships of this new species with other Steinernema spp. Morphological diagnostic features include: maximum body width (average: 21 um), excretory pore position (average: 36 um), D% value (average: 31) and E% value (average: 77) of the third stage infective juvenile; excretory pore position (average: 62 um), cloacal body width (avcrage: 37.5 um), tail length (average: 29um), D% (average: 40) and morphology of spicules and gubernaculum of the first generation rnale.

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